Other words for home / Jasmine Warga.
Warga, Jasmine,
Branch: 0100
Call Number: F War Collection: TX
ISBN: 9780062747808
Pub. Info: New York, New York : Balzer + Bray, [2019]
Target Audience: 5.3. 3-6. 930 Lexile. X Fountas & Pinnell.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader MG 5.3 5.0 Reading Counts RC 6-8 6.6 10.0
Sent with her mother to the safety of a relative's home in Cincinnati when her Syrian hometown is overshadowed by violence, Jude worries about the family members who were left behind as she adjusts to a new life with unexpected surprises.
Warga, Jasmine,
Branch: 0100
Call Number: F War Collection: TX
ISBN: 9780062747808
Pub. Info: New York, New York : Balzer + Bray, [2019]
Target Audience: 5.3. 3-6. 930 Lexile. X Fountas & Pinnell.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader MG 5.3 5.0 Reading Counts RC 6-8 6.6 10.0
Sent with her mother to the safety of a relative's home in Cincinnati when her Syrian hometown is overshadowed by violence, Jude worries about the family members who were left behind as she adjusts to a new life with unexpected surprises.