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Native Americans / Kristine Brennan.
Brennan, Kristine,

Branch: 0033
Call Number: 970.004 Bre       Collection: TX
ISBN: 9781422205174
Pub. Info: Philadelphia : Mason Crest Publishers, 2008.

Profiles the lives and achievements of Native Americans, and features information on Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, author Louise Erdrich, actress Irene Bedard, and others; and discusses a brief history of the treatment of Native Americans.
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What the native Americans wore / Colleen Madonna Flood Williams ; senior consulting editor, Dr. Troy Johnson, Professor of History and American Indian Studies, California State University.
Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood.

Branch: 1033
Call Number: 391 Wil       Collection: TX
ISBN: 1422229785
Pub. Info: Philadelphia : Mason Crest, [2014]
Target Audience: 1040 Lexile. 7.0. 5-8 Follett School Solutions.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 7.0 1.0 59817 IN.

Discusses Native American common clothing items, as well as the cultural and religious significance of the articles.
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Homes of the Native Americans / Colleen Madonna Flood Williams ; senior consulting editor, Dr. Troy Johnson, Professor of History and American Indian Studies, California State University.
Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood.

Branch: 1033
Call Number: 392.3 Wil       Collection: TX
ISBN: 1422229653
Pub. Info: Philadelphia : Mason Crest, [2014]
Target Audience: 1000 Lexile. 6.8. 5-8 Follett School Solutions.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 6.8 1.0 59804 IN.

Discusses the different homes built by Native Americans, the materials used, and spiritual significance of the structures.
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Rising Voices : Writings of Young Native Americans.
Hirschfelder, Arlene.

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: 810.8 Hir       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0804111677
Pub. Info: New York : Ballantine Books, 1992.
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An indigenous peoples' history of the United States for young people / Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz ; adapted by Jean Mendoza and Debbie Reese.
Mendoza, Jean,

Branch: 0033
Call Number: 970.004 Men       Collection: TX
ISBN: 078046057X
Pub. Info: copyright 2019
Target Audience: 7-12 Perma-Bound Books. 9.6 Perma-Bound Books.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader UG 9.6 10.0

Examines the legacy of Indigenous peoples' resistance, resilience, and fight against imperialism in the United States, revealing the roles that colonialism and American policies played in forming a national identity.
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The Plains Indian wars, 1864-1890 / Andrew Langley.
Langley, Andrew,

Branch: 1033
Call Number: 978.004 Lan       Collection: TX
ISBN: 1432959999
Pub. Info: Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2012.
Target Audience: 930 Lexile. 6.8. 5-8 Follett School Solutions.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 6.8 3.0 149428 IN.

Looks at the Plains Indian Wars, focusing on the path to war, what it was like to live through these conflicts, and how it affected people on both sides.
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Sorceress / Celia Rees.
Rees, Celia.

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Ree       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0763618470
Pub. Info: Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2002.
Target Audience: Young Adult Follett Library Resources. 800 Lexile.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR UG 5.6 10.0 62982 0033

First published: London : Bloomsbury, 2002.

Map on endpapers.

Sequel to Witch Child.

Eighteen-year-old Agnes, a Mohawk Indian who is descended from a line of shamanic healers, uses her own newly-discovered powers to uncover the story of her ancestor, a seventeenth-century New England English healer who fled charges of witchcraft to make her life with the local Indians.
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Lies my teacher told me : a graphic adaptation / James W. Loewen ; adapted & illustrated by Nate Powell.
Powell, Nate,

Branch: 0033
Call Number: 973 Pow       Collection: TX
ISBN: 9781620977033
Pub. Info: [New York, New York] : Two Rivers Distribution, [2024]
Target Audience: 9-12.

Presents a graphic novel adaptation of James W. Loewen's "Lies My Teacher Told Me," which challenges the prevailing version of American history taught in public schools. Highlights the falsehoods presented about Christopher Columbus, the first Thanksgiving, slavery, the Civil War, the federal government, the war in Vietnam, and post-9/11 politics in American history textbooks.
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What the eagle sees : indigenous stories of rebellion and renewal / Eldon Yellowhorn & Kathy Lowinger.
Yellowhorn, Eldon,

Branch: 0033
Call Number: 970.004 Yel       Collection: TX
ISBN: 9781773213293 :
Pub. Info: copyright 2019
Target Audience: Ages 14-17. Grades 9-12.

Includes index.

Includes glossary.

"What do people do when their civilization is invaded? Indigenous people have been faced with disease, war, broken promises, and forced assimilation. Despite crushing losses and insurmountable challenges, they formed new nations from the remnants of old ones, they adopted new ideas and built on them, they fought back, and they kept their cultures alive. When the only possible 'victory' was survival, they survived. In this brilliant follow up to Turtle Island, esteemed academic Eldon Yellowhorn and award-winning author Kathy Lowinger team up again, this time to tell the stories of what Indigenous people did when invaders arrived on their homelands. What the Eagle Sees shares accounts of the people, places, and events that have mattered in Indigenous history from a vastly under-represented perspective--an Indigenous viewpoint"--From the publisher's web site.
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Native American mythology / by Jim Ollhoff.
Ollhoff, Jim,

Branch: 1033
Call Number: 299.7 Oll       Collection: TX
ISBN: 1617147176
Pub. Info: Edina, MN : ABDO Pub., c2012.
Target Audience: 900 Lexile. 8.0. 5-8 Follett School Solutions.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 5.8 0.5 147158 IN.

Includes index.

Provides an illustrated overview of Native American mythology, discussing common themes, and describing the unique qualities and traditions of myths from the Northeast, the Southeast, the Plains, the Southwest, and the Northwest.
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