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Stormbreaker / Anthony Horowitz.
Horowitz, Anthony,

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: GN Hor       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0142406562 (pbk.)
Pub. Info: New York : Speak, 2006.

Sequel: Point Blanc.

After the death of the uncle who had been his guardian, fourteen-year-old Alex Rider is coerced to continue his uncle's dangerous work for Britain's intelligence agency, MI6.
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Ark angel / Anthony Horowitz.
Horowitz, Anthony,

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Hor       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0399241523 :
Pub. Info: New York : Philomel Books, c2006.
Target Audience: 680 Lexile.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 5.0 12.0 106408 IN

After recovering from a near fatal gunshot wound, teenage spy Alex Rider embarks on a new mission to stop a group of eco-terrorists from sabotaging the launch of the first outer space hotel.
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The Traitors' Gate / by Avi ; illustrated by Karina Raude.

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Avi       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0605144834
Pub. Info: New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c2007.
Target Audience: 810 Lexile.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 5.1 10.0 115400 IN

"A Richard Jackson book."

When his father is arrested as a debtor in 1849 London, fourteen-year-old John Huffman must take on unexpected responsibilities, from asking a distant relative for help to determining why people are spying on him and his family.

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Ark angel / Anthony Horowitz.
Horowitz, Anthony,

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Hor       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0399241523 :
Pub. Info: New York : Philomel Books, c2006.
Target Audience: 680 Lexile.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 5.0 12.0 106408 IN

After recovering from a near fatal gunshot wound, teenage spy Alex Rider embarks on a new mission to stop a group of eco-terrorists from sabotaging the launch of the first outer space hotel.
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Spy high: mission one.
Butcher, A.J.

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F But       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0316737607
Pub. Info: New York, NY : Atom Books, 2003.
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Skeleton key / Anthony Horowitz.
Horowitz, Anthony.

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Hor       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0439662176
Pub. Info: New York : Scholastic, 2004, c2002.
Target Audience: 630 Lexile.

An Alex Rider adventure.
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Scorpia /.
Horowitz, Anthony.

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Hor       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0399241515
Pub. Info: New York : Philomel, 2004.
Target Audience: 680 Lexile.

After being told his father was an assassin for a criminal organization, Alex goes to Italy and becomes involved in a plot to kill thousnds of English schoolchildren.
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Point Blank / Anthony Horowitz.
Horowitz, Anthony,

Branch: 0033
Location: Valley
Call Number: F Hor       Collection: TX
ISBN: 0142406120 :
Pub. Info: New York : Speak, 2006, c2001.
Target Audience: 610 Lexile.
Study Program Note: Accelerated Reader AR MG 4.8 8.0 59168 IN

Sequel to: Stormbreaker.

Fourteen-year-old Alex continues his work as a spy for the British MI6, investigating an exclusive school for boys in the French Alps.
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Una corte de llamas plateadas / Sarah J. Maas ; traductor, Julio Sierra.
Maas, Sarah J.,

Branch: 0033
Call Number: F Maa       Collection: TX
ISBN: 9786073913218
Pub. Info: Ciudad de Mâexico : Planeta, 2024.
Target Audience: 10-Adult.

Translation of: A court of silver flames.


A faerie named Nesta must band together with a warrior she both loves and despises to stop an army of human queens who threaten the peace between the human and faerie realms.
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Una corte de alas y ruina / Sarah J. Maas ; traducciâon, Julio A. Sierra.
Maas, Sarah J.,

Branch: 0033
Call Number: F Maa       Collection: TX
ISBN: 9786073913232
Pub. Info: Ciudad de Mâexico : Booket, 2024.
Target Audience: 10-Adult.

Translation of: A court of wings and ruin.

Returning to the Spring Court, Feyre gathers information on Tamlin's movements and the plans of the invading king who wants to take down all Prythian. To gather the information, she must play a deadly game of deception, which may just doom both herself and her world.
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