Soldiers Memorial Library was established in 1915 with grants from generous patrons and the volunteer efforts of our townspeople. As the name suggests, the building not only houses the public library for the community, but also serves as a memorial to the soldiers of Hiram for all of the history of our nation. Visit here to be inspired by the honored sacrifices of the hundreds who have served, or come to make use of the many library services that are available. SML has all catalog items and circulation records managed through our Internet-based Library World catalog system. You can browse most of our collection from any Internet access. Some of the collection... mostly historical and genealogical items... are not listed on-line and can only be accessed with the help of the Library Director. In the on-line catalog, items listed as 1/1 are in the collection and available. Items listed as 1/0 are out on loan. Items listed as 0/0 or 0/1 are items that have been "weeded" from the collection, but may still be listed (Some old records are retained until updated materials are available.). Most non- fiction books are downstairs in the Lillian Smith Reading Room. All Easy and Junior titles are also downstairs, but in the Dottie Shorey Community Room. The cellar rooms are now all available for public use since we have completed all of the Fire Code and insurance renovations that were needed. Except for times when events (Meetings, Adult Ed classes, etc.) are being held in the Shorey Meeting Room, visitors may enter the Library EITHER through the original Main Entrance OR through the Cellar Entrance. Whenever ice or snow makes access to the Main Entrance hazardous, safety cones will block that entrance and you will be directed to use the Cellar Entrance. The photo shows the spectacular fall colors of our Library Tree shadowing the monuments at the front entrance of our Library at the corner of Main Street and Hancock Avenue in Hiram.