Abraham Lippman Library of Rodef Shalom Congregation
About the catalog
:Welcome to the Rodef Shalom Congregation online library catalog!
This database contains the circulating books and basic reference
materials of the Abraham Lippman and Glick Children's Libraries.
How to search:
Common searches are done by keyword, title, author, and subject.
Keyword searches return the most records, and are recommended
for general use. To search, choose a type of search from the pull down
menu. Enter a term to search by, and click the ""Search"" button. If the
search is successful, a list of holdings that meet the search criterion
will be listed.
Search Results:
The search will return a list of titles with associated call numbers and
circulation information. Special indicators found in the first part of the
call number are defined as follows:
""LP"" - large print
""Ref."" - non-circulating reference book
""Outreac"" - Outreach section
""W"" - Jewish Women section
""J"" - juvenile picture book
The circulation information indicates how many copies of each book
the library contains. Presently, circulation status has not been
implemented, therefore all books are listed as ""in"".
Viewing Records:
Click on the title of a book found in the search results to bring up a
detailed record. This record will show title, author, publication
information, and associated subject headings. At the bottom of the
record, each copy of the book is assigned a barcode number. Listed
with the barcode numbers are the call numbers for the book, as well as
a location. The location indicates whether the book is found in the
Lippman or Glick Children's Library.
Questions? Contact the library at 412-621-6566 x179
or e-mail molloy@rodefshalom.org
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