

Shakespeare Online
Authorship Resources

Shakespeare Online Authorship Resources (SOAR) is a catalog/database owned and managed by the New England Shakespeare Oxford Library (a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Somerville, Massachusetts). The purpose of this specialized catalog is to bring together in one place a resource that identifies all the articles, essays, papers, book reviews and news reports that have been published about the Oxfordian movement (and the authorship debate itself) over the past century. Not only are resources identified, but online links are provided whenever a resource is available somewhere on the web. For items that are not yet digitized the library owns hard copy of everything listed in the catalog, and can provide copies to library members and SOAR subscribers.

As of the end of summer 2024 the catalog includes 10,161 unique entries from Oxfordian publications of the past 100 years, numerous other publications from around the world, and the contents of selected Oxfordian websites. All articles published in current Oxfordian journals and newsletters (highlighted in bold) through the end of 2023 are included. See below for a list of the major Oxfordian publications that are included in SOAR. Records also include selected chapters and essays from books, selected unpublished papers, and essays and articles on selected websites and blogs.

All SOAR catalog records include the basic bibliographic information about an article and --- whenever available--- a link to an online version. Eventually all records will also include a brief abstract and/or an excerpt from the article itself. For material not available online, members may request a scanned copy from the library.

The publications cataloged in SOAR

Every Oxfordian publication since the 1920s (journals, newsletters and collections) is covered in SOAR, with the full contents of each issue or book cataloged and, in many cases, with links provided to the full text of these contents. In addition there are selected articles included from other authorship publications, and from earlier years.

These publications are:

AA         Shakespeare Oxford Society : 50th Anniversary 
           (Collection, 2007)
AWA        Anthologies, ed. by Altrocchi & Whittemore 
           (Collection, 2009)
BAR        The Bard (1975-1983) 
BC_ALL     Brief Chronicles (2009-2016)
DS         Discovering  Shakespeare (Collection, 2009)
DSN     De Vere Society Newsletter (1988 to date)
EDN        Edward de Vere Newsletter (1989-1994)
ER_ALL     The Elizabethan Review (1993-1999)
GOX        Great Oxford (Collection, 2004)
TLS        Lame Storyteller (Collection of Peter Moore 
           writings, 2009)
TOX     The Oxfordian (1998 to date)
PRG        Poet's Rage (Collection, 2013)
SAR_ALL    Shakespearean Authorship Review (1959-1973)
SCE        Shakespeare Cross-Examination (ABA Collection, 
SFA        Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (American)
SFE        Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (English) 
SFQ        Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly (1944-1948)
SM         Shakespeare Matters (2001-2013)
TSN_ALL    Shakespeare Newsletter (the "Oxfordian" 
SOSN       Shakespeare Oxford Society Newsletter (1965-
SON     Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (1996 to date)

SHP_ALL    Shakespeare Pictorial (1929-1936, the 
           "Shakespeare Fellowship" page)
SSR        Spear-Shaker Review (1987-1991)
TLR        Tennessee Law Review (Collection, 2004)

Publications have also been assigned short 2-4 letter codes (to the left of each title above), which aid in calling up the full contents of any one title and/or any one issue of a title. In some instances "ALL" has been added to these codes to restrict search results to just the titles and not other similar words. These codes can be expanded to 6-7 letters/numbers by adding the year of publication, which makes it possible to call up all the records for just one publication, and also all the records for just one year of any given publication, or just one issue.

For example, entering "SAR_ALL" in the "Any Word" search box will retrieve all the articles published in the Shakespearean Authorship Review from 1959-1973 (375 total). Entering "SAR1960" will retrieve only those articles published in the Shakespearean Authorship Review in 1960 (33 total). Entering "SAR1960 spring" will retrieve only the 16 articles in the spring 1960 issue of the Shakespearean Authorship Review.

Donations: You can help in building and maintaining the SOAR catalog by making a donation supporting the project. Donations not only help us with the real costs of maintaining and enhancing SOAR, but will also entitle you to be provided with scanned copies of any articles not available online.

Support the SOAR Project with a donation of any amount:

Fundraising: Support SOAR through purchases of some of the books we have for sale, either through our Forever Press section or the Bookstore page on the New England Shakespeare Oxford Library home page (www.shakespeareoxfordlibrary.org), and through our occasional one time sale of rare books.

Available now, for example, is a first edition of B M Ward's Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (London, J Murray, 1928) in very good condition (but no dustjacket) for $225.00 (including shipping).

There is just one available. Click on the link to purchase:

How to use the catalog:

Searching the catalog - please note the following:

  • The search is case and word-order insensitive, but beware of spelling variants (British vs US, plural vs singular, original vs modernized, single vs double consonants).
  • All words” is the default setting in the drop-down menu, so by default the search engine will look at all the fields in the bibliographic records (author, title, abstracts, notes, subject headings etc.). If you get too many hits, you can narrow your search by selecting a specific field in the drop-down menu.
  • The text of the article itself is not indexed in SOAR and thus is not searchable.
  • The subject labels (or “tags”), a combination of terms derived from the Library of Congress subject headings and of specifically Oxfordian terms (e.g. “1000 pounds annuity”, “bearing the canopy”, “Gad’ s Hill incident”, or “monument theory”), are not displayed in the SOAR user interface but they are “in the background”; they are meant to help you find the relevant records: you can therefore use those tags to pull out records.  But be aware that the subject tagging of records is a huge endeavor and is not yet completed.
  • At a later date, PDF files of the various subject tags used in SOAR will be available for download on the SOAR homepage.
  • Search results can be displayed in several ways (“ITEM, LIST, SHELF” buttons appear on the top left of your search results). To sort your results by Author or Title select the LIST display. To view the records with notes, abstracts, text excerpts and links to the text displayed (when available), select ITEM. 

Search by:

  • Author.

In the search window, type in the name (with or without uppercase):

  • “Burris”, “Barbara Burris”, or “Burris Barbara”   =>  20 hits, including letters responding to her articles.
  • To restrict your search only to articles she authored, click on drop-down menu, and click on “author”  => 14 hits.
  • Click on the link(s) to get to the text of the article(s) you are interested in. 
    • For articles published by the SOF and preceding or sister organizations, you will get directly either to (1) the text of the individual article (in PDF format) and/or to (2) the SOF web page where all past issues of the various Oxfordian publications are stored.  In the latter case, first note, in the SOAR record, the page number on which the article begins.  Then scroll down to the issue you are looking for, then skim the issue until you get to the starting page for the article.
    • For articles published in outside newspapers, journals, etc., links will get you to the web page where the article can be accessed or purchased (e.g. Lexis- Nexis, Jstor, a publisher website, etc.).

(b) Topic:
In the search box, type in the keyword:

  • “Ashbourne”  => 58 hits  (with default setting on “all words”)

To restrict your search, you can either

  • click on “title” in the drop-down menu  => 41 hits

(Note: you will thus miss articles where the Ashbourne portrait is mentioned in the abstract or excerpt (and thus in the original article), but which do not include the word in their title)  Or,

  • click on “subject” in the drop=down menu  => 20 hits

(Note: the subject-tagging of bibliographic records in SOAR is an enormous and on-going task, so that to-date not all records dealing with the Ashbourne portrait have yet been tagged in the subject field as Ashbourne-related.  Hence the fewer hits.)

(c) Title of article.
Select “title includes” in the drop-down menu and, in the search window, type in the keyword(s):.

  • “Ovid”  => 6 hits

(d) Name of Publication (using shortcut codes listed the SOAR search page)
Go to the SOAR search page and find the code for the name of the Newsletter or Journal.  Type in the code (drop-down menu set to “all words”).

  • “SAR_ALL” => 327 hits  (For “Shakespeare Authorship Review”)
  • Narrow your search by adding the year of issue (no space):   “SAR1965”  => 22 hits
  • Narrow it further with name of author:  “SAR1965 patience” (for Harold W. Patience)  => 2 hits
  • “SOSN”  => 747 hits (for “Shakespeare Oxford Society Newsletter)
  • “SOSN1988”  => 35 hits [NOTE: no space between SOSN and 1988]
  • “SOSN1988 Moore”  => 5 hits (for Peter R. Moore) [NOTE: leave a space between SOSN1988 and Moore]

(e) Broad category of articles
Select "subject" in the drop-down menu and type in one of the following search words, in order to pull out all records thus labeled:

  • “Conferences” (retrieves articles discussing or reporting on conferences or meetings) => 248 hits
  • “News” (retrieves news about the authorship debate and/or about authorship society activities) => 539 hits
  • “Obituaries” => 156 hits
  • “Reviews” (retrieves book or film reviews) => 1287 hits

Printed Index

All the entries in SOAR that come from either an Oxfordian publication (i.e. Society newsletters, journals, etc. and/or collections) or a non-Oxfordian publication (newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.) are also available in printed form in the Index to Oxfordian Publications, edited by James A. Warren.

The printed index, now in its Fourth Edition (2017), also features a complete table of contents for each issue of any Oxfordian publication indexed, which provides readers with the opportunity to browse the history of the Oxfordian movement, issue by issue, over a span of nearly 100 years. Use the "Look inside" feature at amazon.com to preview the Index.

Index to Oxfordian Publications